September 20, 2015: Its My Park Day–We planted a garden and the insects moved in.

We planted milkweed to save the Monarch butterfly. Word went out and an ecosystem has begun to reestablish itself. The milkweed plant is the only plant that the Monarch butterfly will lay its eggs on and the only plant that the Monarch caterpillar will eat. Milkweed bugs dine on the fluid within the milkweed seed pods. Adult milkweed bugs lay their eggs on the Milkweed and now there are hundreds of nymphs [immature insects] taking possession of the late Autumn pods. We have already harvested our seeds and we are happy to share what remains. Milkweed bugs go through 3 stages of growth from egg to nymph to adult unlike the Monarch butterfly that metamorphoses from a caterpillar to an adult butterfly.