The Brea(d)th of America Registration Form

Speak Out! Listen! Reflect! Learn!

RegisterĀ to participate in an Open Mic at the Shirley Chisholm Circle in Brower Park

Date: May 21, 2017
Location: Brower Park, Crown Heights, Brooklyn (Park Place and Kingston Avenue), New York
Time: 12 Noon to 4 PMĀ 

Add your voice to the discussion. Listen to the myriad of perspectives and life experiences of your neighbors. This is not an opportunity to make political speeches or proselytize. Demeaning language and stereotypical labeling of others in our community will not be accepted. Be thoughtful, logical, and fair. Use researched and verifiable facts if you are presenting an original work. Let the facts express your values and point of view. You may choose to read an excerpt from an existing work that has affected your views and approach toward your life. Apply the same rules of fairness you expect from others.